” … DA Gascon refused to prosecute misdemeanors and it sure feels like he isn’t doing his job, so I get why people wanted him gone sooner.”
Q: Do you politically categorize yourself as a proud progressive?
A: No, I don’t. People know that I am a Democrat (since I ran for the State Senate in 2014 and that is a partisan position). I don’t like extremes on either side. The progressive flank of the Democratic party would not claim me. For instance, I’m against retail cannabis. And when I was last on Council, I truly never looked at decisions as left or right; red or blue. It’s the best thing about local government; we actually get to make decisions that make life better for residents. A stop sign benefits both republicans and democrats …
Q: From your perspective, what is the most significant problem facing Manhattan Beach currently?
A: The heat! Just kidding. In addition to public safety, I am concerned about the loss of civility that I notice at Council meetings which is amplified on social media (of course). There has been a proliferation of anonymous email newsletters (not this one) and they often spread fear and disinformation. We need to come together and remember that we all have a story, we all want to feel safe, and at the end of the day, we have to depend on each other. No matter who we vote for.
Q: Has your mind changed in any way on the crime in Manhattan Beach since the brazen smash and grab in the downtown area recently?
A: I’ve always been concerned about public safety. That crime (armed robbery, actually) was truly terrifying. I’m sure it is especially concerning for Downtown Business owners and I’m glad to know that the police have increased foot patrols. I still feel safe walking, shopping, and eating downtown. Crime, especially property crime, happens all over Manhattan Beach, not just Downtown MB. … I encourage people to really watch out for each other in their homes and neighborhoods. Sign up to be a part of Neighborhood Watch.
Q: What was your biggest lesson from being mayor of Manhattan Beach?
A: Whether it was being a Mayor, Councilmember, or even a School Board Member, I realized you can’t get anything done by yourself. You need to build consensus with your colleagues to create pragmatic, commonsense solutions for the community.
Q: Were you opposed to the recall of controversial District Attorney George Gascon, and why?
A: In general, I’m not in favor of using the recall process to remove a politician; I prefer to wait for the next election. BUT, DA Gascon refused to prosecute misdemeanors and it sure feels like he isn’t doing his job, so I get why people wanted him gone sooner. I have a real problem with some of the laws that have been passed at the state level – like Prop 47 (which wasn’t from the legislature but was a proposition approved by residents) that reclassified certain theft and drug offenses.
Q: Are you in favor of enlarging the MB Police Department?
A: I met with our new police chief, and like Chief Abell before her, Chief Johnson says we are nearing full staffing levels and don’t need to add new positions. If she felt she needed more, I would support funding those positions. I’m not an expert in how to best deploy resources to ensure public safety, but I can tell you before anything else, we all want to feel safe in our homes, on the streets, and in our schools. I’ve always supported officers at the schools, for instance.
Q: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
A: I have so many! We are a big movie/film/tv house. I’d have to say Godfather I & II (I consider them one piece). “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in … ”
The inside of Pasha Jewelry in Manhattan Beach, site of the brazen smash and grab robbery on Friday, June 26th, 2022. Still, no arrests have been made.
Manhattan Beach Won’t Trap Coyotes For Now:
Last Tuesday night, coyote supporters invaded Manhattan Beach. They urged the City Council not to catch or kill the creatures, whose presence is rising and who have killed at least two pet cats. Local coyotes are temporarily safe. The Council endorsed a non-lethal plan to remove food sources that have brought coyotes to Manhattan Beach.
Mayor Steve Napolitano broke a 2-2 tie among his council colleagues and voted against trapping the coyote pack, led by a “king and queen” from Redondo Beach.
By Phillip Cook
Manhattan Beach Financial Planner
“This morning at 5:30 a.m. I was on my way to the office. I pulled out of the garage and stopped at the corner of 1st Place and Manhattan Ave. I turned left onto Manhattan Ave. and then noticed a bag or box leaning against the east side of my neighbor’s house. Next to the bag/box was a guy sleeping. I couldn’t believe it, but sure enough, there was an ‘unhoused’ person making himself at home on the sidewalk. When I got to the office, I called the MBPD and heard the dispatcher say he would send a patrol car out. This is the 2nd time in 2-3 weeks that either my wife or I encountered an ‘unhoused’ person sleeping on the street. I wonder where they go to the bathroom. Oh, wait. I know. At my office building a few weeks ago, I found a pile of sh-t and toilet paper lying on the ground between the bushes and the building wall that faces Manhattan Beach Blvd. The police and the city council are aware of this danger, and the council members I’ve spoken with tell me there are policies in place to prevent the SM’ing of MB.”
Retired MBFD Battalion Captain Frank Chiella running for City Council.
CUT THE CRAP by Sara Garcia:
Let’s be honest, since the pandemic, restaurant service sucks! Establishments have now suckered customers into being their own cashiers and tipping for nothing. I have personally witnessed several people busing their tables in moderately expensive restaurants. The truth is 95% of the time, I never see an owner present, and the manager they have on duty usually looks like someone who last worked in a car wash drying cars and couldn’t keep that job. The other night my girlfriend and I went to Silverlake Raman, a new restaurant in the Manhattan Village. I’ve had much better service at McDonald’s, in bad neighborhoods, no less. Waiting 20-30 minutes or more for food entrees is standard, as is the obnoxious praise by many servers, “thank you for your patience,” as if the customer had a choice. Do you agree or disagree with Sara Garcia, Shout back: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
By Rita Crabtree-Kampe
City Councilmember Candidate
“I found it interesting that trapping coyotes catches the low-lying fruit, so to speak and we would be left with the smartest of the pack in the area. Education of the community to keep pets and children supervised or inside, food inside and well packaged if it is in a garage, and ‘what to do if you see a coyote’ is essential. I do not know the benefits or down falls of other methods at this point to make further comments.”
“Once A Week, But Never Weakly”
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Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 8:00 AM
Dream of Fast Breaks & Breakthroughs? They Create Them. Hear from some of the best and brightest speakers from Engineering, Mental Health/Wellness, Entrepreneurs, Environmental Science, Education, Branding and Comedy. See What’s Next. It’s time to JUMPSTART your Curiosity, Imagination, and Creativity. TEDx Manhattan Beach. Good for the Mind!
Buy your Tickets at: https://tedxmanhattanbeach.com
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet Maddie, Who Has Worked In Manhattan Beach Since April 2019
Would you return to someone who has been unfaithful to you?
Have you ever made any of your parents cry?
Do you usually follow your brain more than the heart?
Have you ever written someone a love poem?
Have you fallen in love at first sight?
Have you ever been put behind bars?
Have you ever fallen asleep at school or work?
To be featured in “The Faces of Manhattan Beach,” send your photograph to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
Stormy Monday morning March 28. Just before sunrise. Photo by Nikki Ridley.
By Barb Woodward
“We visited Mira Costa high yesterday. I was appalled by all the new buildings. New sports fields, etc. The old parts of the school are in shambles. We walked to Paar, an abandoned building near the center of the campus that was so disrepair it was shameful. Windows covered with cobwebs, paint and plaster falling off and walkways of uneven concrete hobbled together with asphalt. It was embarrassing!! So where are the MBSD’s priorities. When our son went there in the ‘90s it was already showing its age. I’m disappointed that the old was not rejuvenated before the new was splashed up.”
Join The Leadership Manhattan Beach Class of 2023:
Develop Strong Leadership Skills And Gain Valuable Insight Into How Your Local Government Works
Become A More Effective Member of Our Community
LMB is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1992. Its purpose is to cultivate public, civic, and business leaders through a 9-month program providing participants with hands-on experience regarding the current issues affecting the local economy, education, health care, non-profits, government, and public services. You will explore the community through face-to-face meetings with top leaders in these fields. Leadership skills are focused on and developed through lectures, seminars, and retreats. The program culminates in a project chosen by the class benefiting the City of Manhattan Beach.
You can find out more information at www.LeadershipMB.org. Please visit this site to submit your online application. We are open to Adults and High School Students (Junior/Seniors). Contact Kraig Klinch at kkalinich@me.com (310) 729-8719 or Kathleen Terry at terrymanna2@gmail.com
“I do have concern for the loss of our pets here, and I do put the residents, and the pets over the coyotes,” Manhattan Beach Mayor Steve Napolitano said. “In this instance, I am willing to do six more months of the police management program to see how that goes … If we have a whole lot more killings out there, then I’ll be ready to trap.”
New COVID Variant Threatens Your Pets
by Mike Michalski
The start of the latest political campaign season in Manhattan Beach appears to have coincided with the emergence of a new COVID variant, COVID-HDS, which is short for “Coronavirus Disease – Hadley Derangement Syndrome.” Hadley Derangement Syndrome or HDS is usually evidenced by a far left or “woke” mentality that seeks to attack Council member Suzanne Hadley, who is up for re-election, by mischaracterizing and misrepresenting her sterling record of achievement on Council. Recently, on social media, a baseless attack purportedly emanated not from a resident herself but from her two pets, a dog and a cat.
Clearly, COVID-HDS has jumped species, which should be a warning to all pet owners, particularly since the HDS variant’s symptoms, unlike previous variants, are very subtle with the effects being more mental than physical. So if you find yourself wailing uncontrollably whenever you hear one of Ms. Hadley’s common-sense views or if you’re suddenly feeling just a little slower cognitively, have yourself tested for COVID-HDS. If the test comes back positive, immediately quarantine yourself and, above all else, socially distance yourself from your dog or cat and make sure they wear their pet surgical masks to slow the spread. Remember, we only have until November 8 to flatten the HDS curve. Sponsored by Partnership For An HDS-Free Manhattan Beach.
Celebrity personal chef Tracy Evans, owner of “Set The Table,” having dinner for the first time at Slay Italian Kitchen in Manhattan Beach.
MB City Councilmember Suzanne Hadley, who is running for re-election.
Manhattan Beach School Board candidates on the November 8 general election ballot have been invited to participate in a forum hosted by the League of Women Voters of the Beach Cities, and Easy Reader. The forum will be held Wednesday, September 21 at 7 p.m. at the Mira Costa High School Small Theater.
The Gardening Angels at the @neptunianwomansclub gather monthly to maintain the Manhattan Beach 9/11 Memorial Garden. Feel free to share your photographs with 28,100 of your neighbors in Manhattan Beach and surrounding South Bay communities.
Send to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
Redondo Beach Mayor Bill Brand, along with 28,100 other residents of Manhattan Beach and surrounding South Bay communities.
To sign up to receive MB Weekly for free: www.MBWeekly.net
By Darcy Winston
Slay Italian Kitchen
Nestled in the heart of Manhattan Beach, Slay Italian Kitchen feels like a coastal Mediterranean escape here in the South Bay. With grand picture windows that welcome the beach breeze, the cheerful sound of clinking glasses, and the distinctive aroma of homemade pizza dough and tangy marinara sauce, this Italian gem is top notch. The elegant interior and friendly wait staff add charm and excitement to the rustic and seasonal menu that features classic dishes such as Lemon Tagliolini Vongole, Steamed Mussels, and Funghi & Roasted Fennel Pizza. With a farm-to-fork approach that adds authenticity to the dining experience, Chef David Slay includes fresh ingredients from his family’s farm, Slay Estate & Vineyard in Santa Rita Hills to create memorable dishes that your family will love. Now that’s what we call amore!
Food: A+ • Service: A+ • Value: A+
“Get up, Leonard – it’s September!”
The Dogs of Manhattan Beach
Meet Baxter
Feel free to share your dog photos with 28,100 of neighbors in Manhattan Beach and surrounding South Bay communities.
Send to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
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“Your last edition has a question that is misleading. Council directed staff to hire an expert to assess the coyote situation in MB and come back with a report. We explicitly did not authorize trapping coyotes.” —- Hildy Stern, Councilmember
1. ** Let me see if I understand this correctly. China is teaching their children quantum physics and calculus while Americans are teaching their children gender pronouns and how to twerk from a drag queen. I don’t think this is gonna end well. Do you? —- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fredrickson, Manhattan Beach
2. ** An ordinance allowing cannabis home delivery in Hermosa Beach was approved by the city council on Tuesday, August 9, by a vote of four to one. The argument put up by council members in favor of eliminating the delivery prohibition, which was enacted in 2017, was that doing so would decriminalize a service that is popular with locals and weaken support for the cannabis proposal that will be on the ballot on November 8th. —- Terri A., Manhattan Beach
3. ** I love my husband so much. When I stare him down, my heart starts jackrabbiting out of my chest. —- Ali R., Manhattan Beach
4. ** I was involved in a car accident close to Redondo on Manhattan Beach Blvd and Aviation; it happened July 21st at around 8:30 pm … a drunk driver in a black sedan hit my red Corvette and put me in the hospital with 4 fractured ribs … a broken left arm that I had surgery on … and many abrasions about my face and legs … I was lucky to live … but having a hard time getting the police report from the Manhattan Beach Police department … if you have any info please email me at mikewilsoncomic@aol.com —- Mike Wilson, Redondo Beach
5. ** Just saw a kid get hit on an e-bike on Inglewood Ave, and Artesia. Sad. —- Rose R., Redondo Beach
6. ** Often, the thought of getting fast food is far superior to actually getting it. —- Darlene M., Manhattan Beach
7. ** All tall buildings were built by taller cranes. —- Ashley F., age 8., Manhattan Beach
8. ** Your MB Weekly is a real reason to love your inbox again. Congratulations on a great job. —- Oliva C., Manhattan Beach
9. ** Hello neighbors. Today I had my bag, wallet and documents stolen around 4pm. The thief broke my car window while parked at LA Fitness (W 147th st – Hawthorne). —- Shay Andrdade, Torrrace
10. ** As a former two-term Manhattan Beach Mayor and City Councilmember, I urge all voters to research your local candidates’ qualifications, and also the extent of their volunteer community service. Don’t be persuaded by slick ads, mailers, signs and social media. —- Wayne Powell, Manhattan Beach
11. ** The Redondo Beach City Council Aug. 2 approved the use of certain military-grade equipment by the Redondo Beach Police Department. The list includes an armored vehicle, explosive breaching apparatuses, flashbangs, tear gas, 40 mm less-lethal projectile launchers (bean bags, rubber bullets) and a .50 caliber rifle. —- Ed C., Manhattan Beach
12. ** I was at an animal farm with my granddaughter and saw someone gazing at the pigs and declaring “I love bacon” (over and over). I reminded him it was proof that the pigs are the more intelligent beings. —- Sandra T., Manhattan Beach
13. ** Be vigilant. There is a guy wearing a Steelers shirt riding a mountain bike that was checking for unlocked cars. He’s carrying a backpack and has a black face mask on. This happened on Manhattan Beach Blvd and Crest Lane. Keep an eye out. —- Olga Felix, Gardinia
14. ** Disney is not the same company I remember as a child. Too bad. —- Gail S., Manhattan Beach
15. ** Ranked “one of the most influential business books for the last decade” —- www.BrokenWindowsBook.com
16. ** I can sympathize with people’s pains but not their pleasures, especially Manhattan Beach. There’s something curiously boring about somebody else’s happiness – this close to the water. —- Alexi W., Manhattan Beach
17. ** Residents who have submitted Appeals to Highrose: Donald McPherson, Robert Schendel, George Bordokas, Mark Burton, Andrew Ryan. See all 5 Appeals to the project. Go to item #15. https://manhattanbeach.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=manhattanbeach_fd639465785141c6ada95b7663a19519.pdf&view=1&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
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