Q: What is, from your preceptive, the most significant problem facing Manhattan Beach currently?
A: The increase in crime, the LA County District attorney’s office refusal to prosecute misdemeanor crimes and how the city / police are addressing it.
Q: What has most surprised you in your time on the City Council?
A: The loss of civility between residents and the council.
Q: Do we currently have an adequate number of police in Manhattan Beach to create a strong feeling of safety?
A: Yes, along with a new proactive police chief (Rachel Johnson) we have hired 12 officers in the past year and are continuing to hire additional qualified officers.
Q: What is your favorite movie of all time?
A: Godfather (original).
Q: What changes have occurred in the City since the horrific, brazen smash and grab a little over a month ago?
A: Along with the reply to question #3 – we have reinstated downtown police foot patrols and increased overall police presence.
Q: Do you use Pronouns in your official City work?
A: No.
“Once A Week, But Never Weakly”
The weekly readership of MB Weekly has exploded to over 27,120 in the last two (2) months. The readership, which is 90% based in Manhattan Beach, covers some surrounding communities, including El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, and Redondo Beach.
To sign up to receive MB Weekly for free, go to: www.MBWeekly.net
“The Man is a Disgrace, a Coward”
The Uvalde, Texas, school board unanimously voted to fire district Police Chief Pete Arredondo, who is the first officer to lose his job over the delayed enforcement response to the mass school shooting at Robb Elementary School. The decision comes three months after an 18-year-old gunman killed 19 students and two teachers – the worst attack on a U.S. elementary school since 2012.
A scientific sample poll of MB Weekly’s 25,840 readers revealed that 88% supported the firing. “The man is a disgrace, a coward. Of course, he should be fired!” said one prominent long-time Manhattan Beach resident and business owner who preferred to remain anonymous.
Manhattan Beach Calls For Residents And Businesses To Stop All Outdoor Watering For 15 Days In September:
Starting Tuesday, September 6, residents and businesses in Manhattan Beach are being called on to suspend outdoor watering for 15 days as a critical imported water pipeline is shut down for emergency repairs by the Metropolitan Water District (Metropolitan). Manhattan Beach is joined by its regional partners in answering this urgent water-saving call to maintain and stretch Southern California’s severely limited water supplies while Metropolitan repairs this critical pipeline. The restrictions will be in place through September 20.
Lifeguards Warn Of 6- to 8-Foot Shark Sighted Off Manhattan Beach:
A shark was sighted last week off the El Porto area of Manhattan Beach. The sighting occurred shortly before 5 p.m. and was confirmed by a lifeguard and two surfers, according to tweets from the Los Angeles County Lifeguards. The shark is estimated to be 6 to 8 feet long, lifeguards said. No signs of aggressive behavior were seen. Beachgoers and surfers were notified of the sighting, and Baywatch Redondo completed a sweep of the area with no findings, lifeguards said, adding that they would continue to monitor the situation.
Sara Hughes dives for a ball during the quarterfinals of the AVP Manhattan Beach Open. Hughes and partner Kelley Kolinske won the women’s title.
By Hildy Stern
City Councilmember
It has sincerely been an honor to serve as your Manhattan Beach Mayor and City Councilmember. I love Manhattan Beach and the people who live here. Working with an incredible staff, dedicated community partners, my City Council colleagues, inspiring elected officials and our engaged community has been a privilege. Choosing not to seek another Council term has been a difficult and complicated decision, but also an important one for my family and for me. I have always led with the best interests of our city at heart, and am confident there are other extremely capable candidates willing to step up to keep our city moving in the right direction. There is, of course, a lot more work to be done, and I want to be a part of that in some capacity. I have always been actively involved in our community, and I intend to stay involved in ways that best serve our wonderful city going forward.
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet Pedro – Born in Cuba
Have you ever been drunk at work?
Have you ever lied to your partner?
Do you think there’s such a thing as love at first sight?
Do you believe that the universe directs us in life?
Have you ever lost someone close to you?
Is Manhattan Beach paradise?
Has America become more socialist?
To be featured in “The Faces of Manhattan Beach,” send your photograph to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
By Lucia La Rosa
Manhattan Beach Conservatives
I went to Sand Dune park yesterday to drop off my son who had a meeting for his Eagle Scout project – I saw 3-4 individuals very loud blasting loud RAP music from their cars – very vulgar music with F words, N words, etc – and two of them really wanted to pick up a fight with me. They were by the parking lot smoking weed. I was in my car trying to put the harness on moxie and just peeked. They had a little kid in the car while they were outside leaning on the car smoking weed.
MB POWER COUPLE – Discussion Of Mental Health In The Documentary “Stay Alive”:
After retiring from his marketing job, Manhattan Beach resident Frank Kilpatrick made the decision to use his communication skills for public service. He had worked with his wife, Linda, for many years to enroll patients in clinical trials for pharmaceutical companies. However, after he and his wife retired and the pandemic erupted, they started making PSAs to convince difficult-to-reach communities to be immunized. As a producer of the documentary “Stay Alive: An Intimate Conversation About Suicide Prevention,” he made his most recent effort to raise awareness.
Manhattan Beach Hometown Fair Board at Concerts in the Polliwog Park.
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet Nelly Penalonzo
Manager at Seabreeze Management Company
Have you ever been to summer camp?
–In Highs School
Have you ever caught a fish?
Have you ever seen a lion up close?
Have you ever moved to a new city?
By Mike Michalski
Manhattan Beach
There is currently a county-wide crime wave that is washing over Manhattan Beach, a crime wave that’s been exacerbated by a County Board of Supervisors with a “defund the police” mentality, ill-conceived initiatives like Prop 47 and, yes, the rogue County DA George Gascon who helped write Prop 47 and who just last week avoided a November recall vote by the narrowest of margins. At every turn, his policies have prioritized sympathy for criminals over accountability and justice.
Gascon’s policies have directly impacted Manhattan Beach, and not just by emboldening gang criminality such as the armed looting of the downtown jewelry store that made headlines in June. His office also refuses to prosecute whole categories of crimes (so-called “quality of life” misdemeanors, including trespass, loitering, drug possession, criminal threats, public intoxication, even resisting arrest in some cases). This can be demoralizing to our MBPD when they arrest or cite for certain violations and gather and present evidence to the District Attorney only to be told his office is declining prosecution. Even worse, as the rabid ideologue he is, Gascon has petulantly refused to allow Manhattan Beach to seek alternative prosecution of these crimes through the Redondo Beach city attorney’s prosecutorial function, which offers the added benefit of allowing Manhattan Beach access to Redondo’s diversionary homeless court.
The MBee Fest (Manhattan Beach End Epilepsy) was held at Tower 12 in downtown Hermosa Beach two weeks ago (when the show was known as Epipalooza). Three bands were planned. PennyRoyal with MBee founder Slater Heidrich on bass; HB Crue with Tower 12 owner Greg Allen on drums, son Justin on guitar, and singer Perks. Anti-Groupies, Bierman Brothers, Poppy Harlo, Hudson Ritchie, Moi & Rico of Tomorrow’s Bad Seeds, XYZPDQ, Salem, and singer/actor Orion Askinosie also performed. Jason Meugniot and Jen Caskey sponsored the bands.
By Steve Revel
There’s a passage in Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises in which a character named Mike is asked how he went bankrupt. “Two ways,” he answers. “Gradually, then suddenly.” So it is with the homeless problem and crime, lawlessness, and decay. It happens in two ways – gradually then suddenly.
Acclaimed podiatrist Doctor Gary Briskin.
Esperanza Secret Lounge Temporarily Closed:
The upstairs lounge at Esperanza was a semi-secret place that was popular for private events, and when those weren’t booked it was the finest watering hole in Manhattan Beach. The space was cool, comfortable, and sophisticated, with a low enough volume level that you could enjoy conversations with your companions and the knowledgeable staff. Recently, the city has ordered it closed until a problem with their permits is sorted out.
Manhattan Beach Unified School District Superintendent Dr. John Bowes is joined by Hibah Samad, assistant superintendents Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard and Irene Gonzalez-Castillo as they greet students for the first day of school at Manhattan Beach Middle School on Wednesday, August 24, 2022.
19 Migrants Saved Off Redondo Beach
19 Mexican migrants were rescued off Redondo Beach August 20. A Good Samaritan spotted the engine-less panga 18 miles from the coast. Coast Guard Station Los Angeles–Long Beach sent a small-boat rescue crew, a helicopter, and the Blackfin. Redondo Baywatch launched two boats. The crew found migrants who said the engine failed two hours earlier.
“You came to Manhattan Beach from a distant planet to ‘study humanity,’ but God forbid you help around the house.”
Hildy Stern and MBUSD Board of Education President Sally Austin Peel are not among the 13 candidates who have filed for the November 7 election. Both are still serving their first terms and eligible for reelection. Peel expressed gratitude for her term on the school board but noted that the last two years, which included the pandemic and cultural wars targeting education, contributed to her decision not to seek reelection.
** In last week’s issue of MB Weekly, the story of Chris Barra was first reported in MB News —- www.TheMBNews.com, published by Jeanne & Dave Fratello
1. ** This happened to my friend two days ago. I was robbed at Costco Torrance. My purse was stolen behind me when one of them distracted me, they are a couple. All my credit cards, insurance cards, DL, SSCs, vaccination cards, uncashed checks, some cash and more. Of course, as soon as they left, they started using them right away. All cards were used with $300 each and one of them was made purchase of $3000. —- Yuko Tobari, Redondo Beach
2. ** Across the U.S., fewer kids are enrolling in public schools. Could it be that they’ve turned out to be horrible learning institutions that are more interested in indoctrinating our kids than teaching them? —- Claire J., Manhattan Beach, mother of three
3. ** Many seemed to long for immortality in Manhattan Beach who don’t know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon —- Debbie P., Manhattan Beach
4. ** Have you noticed, the insecure are the easiest for the woke lords to manipulate. —- Gabi H., Manhattan Beach
5. ** The Los Angeles City Council voted to prohibit homeless people from setting up tents within 500 feet of schools and day-care centers during a raucous meeting in which wild, radical protesters shouted down council members. What the Hell took them so long to protect kids? —- Dr. Ash B., Manhattan Beach
6. ** Teenage gang terrorized my husband. A teenage gang surrounded and terrorized my disabled husband when he was exiting El Segundo Ride Aid last night around 8pm, verbally abusing him and scaring him to the point that he thought they were going to attack him. He had merely entered the store to pick up a prescription and he made neutral eye contact with one of them on the way in. What kind of parents allow their children to behave in such a cruel way? —- Nicolette Aubourg, El Segundo
7. ** I love your new MB Weekly! —- Rhonda C., Manhattan Beach
8. ** Bruce Moe is an excellent city manager who cares deeply about resident’s safety, treating his staff fairly, and about ensuring the city’s financial stability. —- Russ Lesser, Manhattan Beach
9. ** Our little town, which is already too crowded, will experience even more parking and traffic problems. The low-profile, friendly feel of Manhattan Beach, which has served us so well. —- Lynne S. Gross, Manhattan Beach
10. ** Remember, friends, what a child doesn’t receive he can seldom later give. —- Naomi Q., Manhattan Beach
11. ** I’m sick and tired of restaurants using COVID as an excuse for horrible service. —- Blake F., Manhattan Beach, a former restaurant owner in the South Bay
12. ** The Redondo Beach city council paused its retail marijuana ordinance Tuesday night to check on the possibility of a public vote for it in March – a chance to supersede a competing initiative on the ballot in October. —- William B., Manhattan Beach
13. ** According to Joe Biden’s approval polls within the first six quarters of his tenure, he has achieved the lowest of any president ever recorded on record. —- Gloria Z., Manhattan Beach
14. ** There should be a special place in Hell for conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. —- Tanner H., Manhattan Beach
15. ** Dear God, please don’t allow Manhattan Beach to turn into Santa Monica! —- Steve and Susan T., Manhattan Beach
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