MB Weekly Bonus Edition 10/13/2024


Measure RLS (Repair Local Schools) Campaign Launch Party.


Real Estate legend John Altamura’s antique car.


Joe Franklin Manhattan Beach Mayor.


Tracy Evans, private owner of Set The Table LA.


Sweetheart Patty of Torrance reads MB Weekly.


Abby, hostess at Fête Bistro by Slay.


Joe Marcy and Tiffany Barbara at Measure RLS (Repair Local Schools) Campaign Launch Party.


Paul Wafer, community activist, having lunch at Urban Plates in Manhattan Beach.


Chef-owner David LeFevre, Manhattan Beach Post, Fishing with Dynamite, The Arthur J.


Larry Zimbalist, Chair of Measure Repair Local Schools.


Silvia Zambon, a veteran South Bay dog walker (alohamydogs@gmail.com).


Jim Freeman of Freeman Public Affairs with lovely Lilly.


Cassie, 4 years, and Thomas, 20 years, at Sloopy’s Beach Cafe Manhattan Beach.


** I have so many wonderful memories at Mira Costa High School. I ran my first campaign for ASB/Student Council in 2001. I remember my parents helped me hang posters in the quad before sunrise. By senior year, I was elected as the “Commissioner of Campus Morale”. I helped coordinate all the pep rallies and festivities. I couldn’t be more proud. Our class yearbook listed me as “Most Spirited”. I also sang in the choir and joined several service clubs. I remember having wonderful teachers who believed in me. I was given a rare opportunity to serve as the student representative on the high school accreditation committee. I learned so much from that process. And lastly, I was so grateful to be named the commencement speaker for the Class of 2003. I shared a quote that resonated so deeply with me. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference” – Robert Frost —- Joe Marcy (Running For Manhattan Beach City Council 2024)

** It would be impossible to pick one memory of Mira Costa because there are so many. The relationships and connections that have lasted a lifetime stand out above everything else. From well-established friendships that I brought with me to Mira Costa from elementary and middle school to the new ones I built while at Costa that continues to this day, there’s just something about the bonds formed at that age that seem to transcend time and place. It’s not unusual to run into someone I haven’t seen for years and strike up a conversation as if I just saw them yesterday. It’s a community that you’re always a part of, no matter where you go or what you do. —- Steve Napolitano (Councilman, Manhattan Beach)


** Pisces – but I don’t read my horoscope —- Larry Zimbalist (Chair of Measure Repair Local Schools)

** Scorpio —- Steven Nicholson

** Pisces —- Charlotte Lesser (Neighborhood Watch)

** Aquarian —- Paul Wafer (Manhattan Beach)

** Scorpio —- Steve Charelian (City Council candidate)

** Leo —- Tony Cordi (President, The Innate Group)

** Virgo —- Phillip Cook (Prominent Financial Planner)

** I am a Capricorn! —- Lisa Hemmat (Proprietor, Lido di Manhattan)

** Virgo —- Sharon Arias (Manhattan Beach)

** Cancer —- Marilyn Alcantar (GM, Fete Bistro by Slay)



88% of locals shop and spend locally. For as little as $100, reach your neighbors in Manhattan Beach and surrounding South Bay communities.

An Extraordinary Bargain with No Wasted Audience:

  • Local, young, and affluent.
  • 68% of our readers are under 50 years old.
  • $128,000 average annual income.

For additional information, contact:


** The book I’m currently reading and almost finished is The Gambler (Life of Billy Walters) —- Peter Kim (Co-Owner Sloopy’s Café)

** After Further Review My life By My Friend Mike Pereira —- David M. Slay (Slay Restaurants)

** Wide Sargasso Sea, by Jean Rhys —- Michael Unton (CEO of Flowing Energy)

** Shepherd series by Michael Stagg —- Mark Burton (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

** I just finished The Melting Pot by Matt Pottinger on strategies on how to contain China. Very interesting read. Now reading The Melting Point by General Frank McKenzie about his time in charge of Central Command over the middle East region, including the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Very timely considering all of the current issues. —- Paul Wafer (Manhattan Beach)

** “Experiencing The American Dream: How to Invest Your Time, Energy, and Money to Create an Extraordinary Life” by Mark Matson / “Rewired: The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI” by Eric Lamarre —- Wayne Powell (Former Manhattan Beach Mayor/Councilmember)

** Unfortunately, I do not read many books. The lifestyle I live does not hold much time for sitting around. When I have down time, I usually read current events/news, not just your usual sources. Nowadays you have you do research on news articles/current events from multiple sources to find out what is true and not. If I did have more time to read, I would read books that aim to help my personal growth and future comfort. —- Chris Kelly (GM Dive N’ Surf)


** As a former misdemeanor Prosecutor, General Counsel to LAPD and the LAX Airport Police, it is abundantly clear to me that Gascon’s policy of not filing or prosecuting misdemeanors committed in Manhattan Beach has significantly eroded law and order in our community. Just ask our local small business owners. It really is shameful. Please know that crime statistics don’t tell the whole story since unreported crime has skyrocketed. For the residents of our community, Gascon must go or we need a City Charter to hire our own City Prosecutor to file and prosecute misdemeanors, as well have the very effective homeless court to address the growing homeless problem in our community. —- Mark Burton (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

** Gascon has destroyed L.A. just like he destroyed S.F. There are no penalties for crimes committed in L.A. Stealing is acceptable up to $950.00. Isn’t that wonderful? —- John Altamura (Manhattan Beach)


** “The Noticer” by Andy Andrews —- Fred Taylor (Community Activist)

** Thorn Birds —- Mark Burton (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

** I would say “Once a Warrior” by Jake Wood! https://www.jakewood.co/ —- Lisa Hemmat (Proprietor, Lido di Manhattan)

** “To Kill a Mockingbird” – Don’t we all want to be like Atticus Finch?! —- Joe Franklin (Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

** Without A Paddle, written by Nick Offerman, is a fun filled read with hilarious personal accounts of Offerman’s life. Throughout his stories he offers insight, wisdom, life-lessons, common sense, and decency. Truly a great novel that I recommend to anyone looking for a light, comical read. —- Steven Lutz (Chef, Urban Plates Manhattan Beach)

** The Bible —- Bob Holmes (Three Terms Manhattan Beach Councilman/Mayor & 55-year Manhattan Beach Resident)


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1. ** The Fantasy World of Ta-Nehisi Coates. His new book, ‘The Message,’ is a masterpiece of warped arguments and moral confusion. —- Dr. Lester K., Manhattan Beach

2. ** People love reading MB Weekly because you embrace the voices of the residents. Kudos, and well done! —- Fred T., Manhattan Beach

3. ** The University of Wyoming’s women’s volleyball team forfeited a game against a team from San Jose State University that included a biological male. Thank God that teams like Wyoming are sticking up for our young ladies. Keep it coming, and I know it’ll make a difference! —- Christy B.

4. ** I wholeheartedly agree with Lucia’s comments about Steve’s commitment to excellence and community service. Two senior Council members are leaving, taking years of institutional knowledge with them. Steve is the only candidate who can fill that loss instantly. As the City’s recently retired Finance Director, he ensured balanced budgets and watched over taxpayers’ dollars. Steve is a strong proponent of government transparency. He deserves your vote! —- Howard F., Manhattan Beach

5. ** MB Weekly is looking to spotlight a Pilates studio. Please write to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

6. ** Dear MB Weekly: The Chandler article is really good. —- Lee P., Manhattan Beach

7. ** Maybe someone can help me. I cannot think of 1 reason to have one million cash dollars in public. None, nada, zero! —- Tom A., Manhattan Beach

8. ** XX-XY Athletics was permanently banned from TikTok for encouraging girls to stand up for themselves and for using the word “male” to describe men in women’s sports. Meanwhile, Nike’s Coaching HER initiative, available worldwide to keep girls from dropping out of sports, defines girls as anyone who identifies as one. —- Alison S., Manhattan Beach

9. ** I don’t get it. With Chandler on the prowl, why are there never any police in downtown Manhattan Beach? Something is wrong. —- Selma C., Manhattan Beach

10. ** E-bikes, vehicles, and trucks ignore stop signs and traffic signals, which needs to be addressed. —- Rhonda C., Manhattan Beach

11. ** When I read about the salaries that Manhattan Beach pays its staff, I’m inclined to blame them for spending money like drunken sailors, only that feels unfair to drunken sailors because at least sailors are spending their own money. —- Craig H., Manhattan Beach

12. ** Yikes! Ayatollah frantically Googles “How To Build Iron Dome Thingy FAST” —- Joel R., Manhattan Beach

13. ** My kid fell off her e-bike tonight and cut her knee badly. —- Mark C., Manhattan Beach

14. ** El Segundo coyote sighting: I arrived home to see a coyote napping in my backyard! —- Catherin O., Manhattan Beach

15. ** Ozzy Osbourne endorses presidential candidate but no one could understand which one —- Carly V., Manhattan Beach

16. ** It’s become fashionable to claim that other countries hate the U.S. Having traveled the globe for three years, I can tell you: That’s absurd. —- Chris L., Manhattan Beach

17. ** Rashod is a good waiter at Joey in Manhattan Beach! —- Carla H., Manhattan Beach

18. ** Something isn’t right here with the million-dollar heist. We want to know who this so-called victim is! —- Marilyn A., Manhattan Beach

19. ** Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with Smartphones, social media, etc. Their lackluster workplace performance is somehow connected to their considerable digital life experience. If this trend continues, we are all in trouble. —- Tim T., Manhattan Beach

20. ** I know many top executives that if they get a resume in the mail that includes pronouns, they throw it immediately in the garbage. —- Harold S., Manhattan Beach

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MB Weekly 10/10/2024

by Paul Wafer (Manhattan Beach)


A few weeks ago, I shared data on the Manhattan Beaches salaries and compared them with those of local cities. The stories turned out to be a bombshell in the City. That data showed that our compensation is higher, on average, than the local community. Sadly, Mayor Franklin attacked me personally rather than providing data to refute my information. I will refrain from doing the same, but I will offer more data from the State of California to clarify.

This week, I will provide data on the ten positions with the highest compensation, non-police, and non-fire in Manhattan Beach and compare them to those in Hermosa, Redondo, El Segundo, and Torrance. In some cases, there was no comparable position. For example, Manhattan Beach has a Human Resources Director and a Human Resources Manager. Most cities, except for El Segundo, only had a Director or a Manager, not both. The same holds for the Parks and Recreation and Finance positions; Manhattan Beach has a director, and some have managers. Additionally, Torrance is a much larger city; one would expect them to have higher salaries in most positions. However, Manhattan Beach was higher in 6 of the 10 positions.

The data below shows that Manhattan Beach was either the highest or second highest in 8 out of 10 positions. If you total all of these positions, Manhattan Beach paid approximately $700,000 more than Hermosa Beach and Redondo, $600,000 more than El Segundo, and $300,000 more than Torrance’s.

The Data is as follows:

  • City Manager – The highest was Torrance at $406,581, and the lowest was Hermosa Beach at $338,632. Manhattan Beach was second lowest at $352,580.
  • Public Works Director – The highest was Torrance at $317,041, and the lowest was Hermosa Beach at $259,190. Manhattan Beach was second highest at $316,119.
  • Finance Director/Manager/CFO – The highest was Hermosa Beach at $335,781, and the lowest was El Segundo at $141,944. Manhattan Beach was second highest at $303,605.
  • City Clerk – The highest was Manhattan Beach at $296,905, and the lowest was El Segundo at $52,833.
  • Park and Recreation Director/Manager – Manhattan Beach was highest at $276,057; the lowest was Redondo Beach at $112,051.
  • City Engineer – Manhattan Beach was the highest at $272,858; the lowest was Redondo Beach at $221,395.
  • Human Resources Director – The highest was Redondo Beach at $277,442 (they do not have a manager position), and the lowest was Hermosa Beach at $0 (they only have the manager position). Manhattan Beach was third highest at $261,551 (they also have a manager position).
  • Human Resources Manager – The highest was Manhattan Beach at $239,214; the lowest was Redondo Beach and Torrance, which do not have a Manager role.
  • Community Development Director – The highest is Torrance at $262,659, and the lowest is Hermosa Beach at $119,133. Manhattan Beach was the second highest at $227,799.
  • Building Official – Torrance was the highest at $262, 659 and Hermosa Beach was the lowest at $119,133. Manhattan Beach was second highest at $227,799.

Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

This Weekend Is The First Manhattan Beach Food & Wine Event On October 11-12:

This weekend, October 11 and 12, 50 renowned North American chefs will attend the South Bay’s first Manhattan Beach Food & Wine Festival. A 40,000-square-foot outdoor pavilion in Manhattan Village will showcase South Bay to Mexican chefs’ cuisine. Each night will include 25 chefs. Creator Shelby Russell said they’re looking to build this into something meaningful for years to come. “This is an amazing chef lineup, something I haven’t seen in California in years.” Chef David LeFevre, founder of M.B. Post, Fishing with Dynamite, and The Arthur J in Manhattan Beach, visited a friend in 2002. He said he saw the beach and said, “I’m moving here.” He is excited about sharing a wonderful place that he loves, and with other chefs that he knows are coming in, “and then sharing it with people from all over, not only Los Angeles but all over the country.” The Careers Through Culinary Arts Program (C-Cap), a charity that “empowers underserved teenagers by providing education, mentorship and scholarships,” will benefit from the event.

7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in Manhattan Village
Click on link for entry fees and more information


MB Weekly has received many complaints from residents and business owners in the downtown area about a lack of police presence. MB Weekly wrote twice to each candidate for City Council, asking for their opinion on the problem. Of the six candidates, only one replied, Mayor Joe Franklin. All other candidates offered no reply.

The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Grace Adams
(Executive Director Roundhouse Aquarium)

Q: Do you believe in unconditional love?
A: YES, absolutely.

Q: Have you had a bad relationship in the past?

Q: Have you ever broken up with someone over a text message?

Q: Have you ever dated someone your family did not like?

Q: Have you ever forgotten a partner’s birthday?

Q: Would you ever tell a white lie to your partner?

Q: Do you believe in giving each other space in a relationship?

Q: Do you believe in marriage?
A: YES! I have been married for 30 years!

Q: Are you a morning person?


Joey Restaurants:
A Home-Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner
Minus All The Cooking

Turkey Dinner $210 – Serves 4 to 6 people

Including: Oven Roasted Turkey with Gravy | Caramelized Apple and Sage Stuffing | Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes | Butter Glazed Harvest Carrots and Yams | Pan Roasted Brussels Sprouts | Fall Kale Salad | Dinner Buns | Cranberry Sauce with Orange Zest | Fresh Baked Apple Pie with Ice Cream.


63% Say Their Biggest Financial Regret Is Buying Real Estate

An exclusive MB Weekly reader poll revealed that 63% of respondents regret purchasing real estate, citing rising mortgage rates and unexpected maintenance costs as the explanation. “The prices in Manhattan Beach are outrageous,” said Meg T., a long-time Manhattan Beach resident. “You must be rich enough to own property in Manhattan Beach, and most people can’t afford that luxury.”

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)


Campaign signs galore in Manhattan Beach. Feel free to send your photo to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

by Russ Lesser (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

Joe Franklin is running for re-election to the Manhattan Beach City Council. I don’t think a more dedicated person has been on the council for many years. You see Joe all around town helping people, meeting with people, etc. He really cares about the residents of Manhattan Beach. We are voting for three city council positions this year, and it is clear that Joe should be one of them. He has done a great job.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

Downtown Manhattan Beach Gets 58 New Parking Spots:

The closing of Lot 3 in Downtown Manhattan Beach affected parking, prompting the city to find more. To ease Downtown parking issues, 58 extra parking places will be introduced in the coming weeks. New parking slots include:

  • Valley Drive (17th and 18th Streets): 14 additional parking spots
  • Valley Drive (18th–20th Streets): 21 new parking spots
  • Manhattan Avenue (14th–15th Streets): 3 new parking spaces
  • Manhattan Avenue (11th Street to Manhattan Beach Boulevard): 4 new parking spots
  • Manhattan Avenue north of Manhattan Beach Boulevard: 3 new parking spots
  • Manhattan Avenue (10th–11th Streets): 1 new parking space
  • Parking Lot 1 (Bayview Drive at 10th Street): 4 new spots
  • Manhattan Beach Boulevard (east of Morningside Drive): 1 new parking spot
  • Parking Lot 7 (Valley Drive south of Manhattan Beach Boulevard): 7 new spots

by Mark Burton (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

Did you know our pension debt is more than $80 Million, with the City paying $5.5 Million yearly for 22 more years? The City’s proposed sales tax increase will generate $5.3 Million yearly. Hmm? Coincidence? I think not. In addition to the over $80 Million in pension debt, the City has a ballooning unfunded pension obligation of over $28 Million. That’s a whopping $108 Million in pension debt and unfunded pension obligation! This is gross financial mismanagement. After 2017, the City’s unfunded pension obligation ballooned in a few short years from $38 Million to $80 Million. In response, the City issued $91 Million in Pension Obligation Bonds (POBs) in 2021 despite the recommendation from the Government Finance Officers Association that cities should never issue such risky financial instruments. Since the City issued these POBs, the City’s unfunded pension obligation has risen to over $28 Million. With the same size city and population, our staffing level of full-time employees has gone from 268 to 328 with escalating salaries resulting in many employees making over $200K, $300K, and even $400K. This is not sustainable or financially prudent. We need new Councilmembers who will make the hard choices regarding staffing and salaries.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

Meet MIA (Manhattan Beach)

  • Have you smoked at least one cigar in the last year? NO
  • Have you smoked at least one cigarette in the last year? YES
  • Do you crack your knuckles? YES
  • Have you been to the chiropractor at least once in the last year? NO
  • Do you get migraine headaches? NO
  • Do you have any tattoos? NO
  • Have you ever dated a married man? NO
  • Do you ever sleep with socks on? NO

by Audrey Ritterman (Manhattan Beach / 37-Year Resident)

Thank you, Paul Wafer, for bringing this fiscal issue to our city’s attention. If possible, we, the Manhattan residents, would like to request the city to give us a breakdown of salary, benefits, and pension for each employee so we can assess the details, including full-time and Part-time positions. The details will give us an accurate picture of what is happening with our city’s Employee compensation packages, which I realize pensions take a large chunk of. However, residents must think about our first responders, firefighters, and police, who put their lives on the line daily. They expose themselves to the long-term effects of smoke chemical exposure and traumatic long-term Physical injuries or dealing with unpredictable individuals who can cause severe bodily harm or death. So we must ask what price can we put on these psychological and physical tolls endured by these individuals who take on these volatile positions. How do you put a price on that for our public safety and well-being, especially during these times of irrational policies from the L.A. District Attorney? But for all the Management, administrators, accountants … and part-time employees, let’s see the real numbers in the city and the M.B. school district … including the benefit package and the dreaded pensions. Then, we can discuss whether we have inefficiencies in the four square miles we call home.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

Bertha Mae’s Brownies:


Mayor Franklin Calls Out DA George Gascon:

In a bold and direct statement, Manhattan Beach Mayor Joe Franklin has placed the blame for the dwindling police presence in the city’s downtown squarely on the shoulders of Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon. “The issue lies squarely at the feet of, you guessed it, George Gascon,” said Mayor Franklin. He pointed out that multiple offenders arrested by the Manhattan Beach Police Department are being released without prosecution due to Gascon’s controversial directives. This frustration prompted Franklin to vote for a “No Confidence” measure against Gascon in the city council and to back the recall effort against him. Mayor Franklin has also supported Nathan Hochman, Gascon’s opponent in the upcoming November 5th election, urging residents to vote for change. “Our police department is doing their part,” Franklin added, “but it’s impossible to maintain order when repeat offenders are continually set free.” He emphasized the need for proper prosecution or diversion programs, warning that public safety remains at risk unless action is taken. MB Weekly continues receiving many complaints from residents and business owners about the lack of police presence in the downtown area.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

by Joe Marcy (Candidate For City Council)

Being Proactive in the Community: We have to do better; we are Manhattan Beach! Across the board, we need to be more proactive and get more aggressive on our timelines. As a MB native, I’m passionate about our community and I’m ready to work to get things done. We need new leadership that will set a different tone, prioritizing efficiency. Let’s look at a few examples of where leadership has fallen short in the past: Downtown Lot 3 Parking Structure – Deficiencies were found in 2022. We didn’t take action until its closure in 2024. In 2019, pier railings were rusted, corroded and a liability to our beachgoers. It took City Council 4 years to approve and install. In 2015, council decided to address inconsistent wayfinding and signage. 9 years later, the project is incomplete and has actually been made worse. We have new signage installed, but only on limited intersections. Outdoor Dining was approved in 2020 due to the pandemic, but we should have considered the long-term plan much earlier. A task force wasn’t established until 2023 and due to the parking lot structure 3 closure, a solution is likely delayed further. In 2021, Bruce’s Beach made national headlines. Regardless of how you may have felt about it, people around the nation questioned who we are as a community. In my heart, I know we are a city of kind, philanthropic, and caring people – and our generosity has a global impact. We needed leadership to be prompt and aggressive with that messaging. While Council promised a public art installation, it is likely delayed to 2025 or later. Inconsistent handling of legacy events – The City of Manhattan Beach should be covering all security and third-party security fees for our legacy events. It’s for the safety of our community and we do not cut corners when it comes to protecting our loved ones. If I get the opportunity to serve on City Council, I promise that I will: Always push for more aggressive timelines / Review currently delayed projects / Be more proactive in tackling some of our toughest issues / Get AHEAD of potential future problems.

Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)


One year after Manhattan Beach Police Officer Chad Swanson was killed in the line of duty in a multi-vehicle traffic crash on October 4, 2023, a California Highway Patrol (CHP) investigation prompted the Los Angeles District Attorney to charge a suspect with vehicular manslaughter for his involvement in the fatal crash. Raymond Eugene Sanders of Compton is charged with one count of vehicular manslaughter without gross negligence, a misdemeanor. If convicted as charged, he faces up to one year in county jail. On October 4, at approximately 5:19 a.m., Officer Swanson was fatally injured in a multi-vehicle crash on the northbound 405 Freeway in Carson, after being thrown from his department motorcycle. Sanders is accused of improperly securing boxes of lighting fixtures to his truck, causing several to fall onto the roadway. Investigators determined improper securement as a key factor in the crash.

Weekly Crime Summary
September 26 to October 2, 2024

  • 16 ARRESTS

Halloween Trunk or Treat
Police Department Parking Lot off of Valley Drive
Thursday, October 24, 2024 – 5 to 8 p.m.

** On 09/27/24, at approximately 12:34 a.m., officers responded to the 1500 block of 9th Street regarding three subjects (dark clothing, hoodies, masks, gloves, and one carrying a backpack) that were seen on video surveillance attempting a residential burglary. Officers responded to the area and quickly established a perimeter after one officer observed a subject walking eastbound in the 1600 block of 9th Street and another officer observed a subject running southbound between the houses in the 1600 block of 10th Street. Officers contacted the owner of the residence in question and confirmed a crime had occurred. Neighboring agencies responded to assist. Patrol K9’s and a drone was utilized in an attempt to locate the suspects. No suspects were located. This is an ongoing investigation.

** On 10/01/24, at approximately 3:30 a.m., an officer observed a bicyclist come out of the residential neighborhood near Redondo Avenue and Manhattan Beach Boulevard. The officer attempted to stop the subject for committing vehicle code violations, however the subject fled on the bicycle near Manhattan Heights and a containment was established. The subject fled into a residential yard in the 1600 block of 11th Street. Officer arrested the subject and they were transported to the MBPD jail.

** Between 09/27/24 and 09/28/24, a commercial burglary occurred in the 500 block of N. Sepulveda Boulevard. The business owner returned and discovered skincare products were missing from inside the store, and stated the store was secured the night before. The lockbox on the front door containing the business’ keys was missing. No signs of forced entry and no surveillance cameras. This is an ongoing investigation.

How Well Do You Know Manhattan Beach?

Q1: How many acres of major park land in Manhattan Beach?
A. 48 acres \  B. 155 acres \  C. 298 acres

Q2: How many miles of paved streets?
A. 256 miles \  B. 120 miles \  C. 688 miles

Q3: How many miles of storm drains does Manhattan Beach have?
A. 200 miles \  B. 55 miles \  C. 18 miles

Q1: Parks: There are 48 acres of major park land in Manhattan Beach, in addition to the 21 acre Manhattan Beach Parkway.
Q2: Paved Streets: There are 120 miles of paved streets.
Q3: Plumbing: The City has 18 miles of storm drains and 110 miles of sewers.

Bulletin Board

1. ** Students across our nation are being cheated from attaining a quality education by misguided bureaucrats, corrupt teachers unions, and anti-American activists infiltrating our schools. While political leaders promote “gender fluid” restrooms and abandon academic standards, our communities continue to fall apart. —- Howie S., Manhattan Beach

2. ** I was visiting a friend at Franklin and Wilshire in the People’s Republic of Santa Monica. I walked four short blocks to Ralph’s on Bundy, got a bag of chips, and returned to my friend’s place. In that short walk, I bumped into 11 drifters, 4 of which were quite aggressive – yelling, threatening, running toward people, etc.; one was stabbing a wall nonstop with what looked like a screwdriver right outside CVS. Welcome to Santa Monica! —- Bob T., Manhattan Beach

3. ** For women, aging is like a horror film. —- Melanie M., Manhattan Beach

4. ** Kamala Harris is the standard-bearer for our current Washington elites. They are betting on her to “keep the game going!” —- Haley W., Manhattan Beach

5. ** I love In and Out Burger and went to the one in El Segundo. Unfortunately, it was filthy inside, and I had to chase down the manager to get someone to clean the tables. Very disappointing. —- Holly W., El Segundo

6. ** Six people granted clemency by Trump as president have been accused of another crime. —- Dave K., Manhattan Beach

7. ** How come the Manhattan Beach City Council votes five to zero on everything? Doesn’t anyone ever disagree with anything? I sense that they are not a bunch of free thinkers. —- Patty L., Manhattan Beach

8. ** El Segundo Dollar Tree debuted on Thursday, but I didn’t notice any vegetables like at Ninety-Nine Cents Only today. It appears most items cost $1.25. —- Rebecca S., Manhattan Beach

9. ** MB Weekly is looking to spotlight a florist in the South Bay. Any recommendations? —- Send to MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

10. ** Award-winning dog walker in the South Bay. Winner “Best of Los Angeles Award 2023.” Experienced personal care – walking your dog and pet sitting. —- Call Silvia at 310-714-9877

11. ** The best way to end a regional war is to win it. —- Jake L., Manhattan Beach

12. ** My mother-in-law will be in L.A. for three months and is looking for a place to rent and use as an art studio. Please see below and contact her if you are interested or know someone who is! Thanks. I am a mature, responsible artist looking for a workspace for January, February, and March. If you have a garage or A.D.U. that is not being used, I would pay up to $2,000/month rent. The space should be at least 200 sq. ft, have some light, and have access to a sink or an outdoor spigot. My contact information is Ellen, 413 237-2666 for text, ellengrobman@gmail —- ellengrobman.com

13. ** Is diversity our greatest strength? Ask Western Europeans, who, over the last decade, have endured a tidal wave of immigration from the Muslim Middle East and Africa. —- John B., Manhattan Beach

14. ** MB Weekly is interested in featuring a car wash in the South Bay area please send any suggestions directly to —- MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

15. ** Book your holiday event before Oct 1, 2024, to lock in your preferred dates and enjoy a complimentary treat for each guest. Our dedicated event teams are here to cater to your every need and make this holiday season memorable! —- Joey Restaurant, Manhattan Beach

16. ** I love Sloopy’s Beach Café in El Porto. —- Jess H., Manhattan Beach

17. ** These tiny lads on e-bikes harassing others in a group is becoming a concern. It resembles 1950s motorcycle gangs! The other day, one of these small shithead groups encircled my husband’s car at an Artesia stoplight and yelled F you and other expletives. Where are the police? —- Jeremy S., Manhattan Beach

18. ** Coyote Sighting: It has been reported that throughout Manhattan Beach, coyotes have been seen during the day and night. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife notes that pet food and open garbage left outside can attract coyotes. If you see a coyote, please report it immediately to the MBPD Animal Control at 310-802-5159. —- Editor’s Note

19. ** Doctors will no longer ask “Who Is The President?” to test for concussions since honestly, nobody is really sure right now. —- Emma H., Manhattan Beach

20. ** I certainly don’t always agree with Mark Burton. Still, I believe the city of Manhattan Beach owes him an outstanding debt of gratitude for consistently raising inconvenient truths to our council. —- Abraham C., Manhattan Beach

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The MB Weekly Free Bulletin Board is your place to communicate for free with thousands and thousands of your neighbors in Manhattan Beach. Send your message (maximum 50 words) to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

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MB Weekly 10/03/2024


“Chandler, a notorious homeless person who has caused a long string of problems for well over a year is back. This is from the incident on Wednesday, September 25th, at 3:38 pm at Manhattan Grocery. They were notified at 3:46 pm and called the police right away. They came at 3:57 pm and took a report #24-2441. Officers were advised he went south on Manhattan Ave but were not able to locate him at all. (Confirmed by a text message I sent to the officer the following morning). There were other sightings of him that day and the following day by several people who witnessed his disturbing behavior around Downtown.” —- Name Withheld by Request (Manhattan Beach)

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Six Candidates – Three Seats:
Manhattan Beach City Council Race Kicks Off With Lively Debate

Steve Charelian, Joe Franklin, Karen Komatinsky, Joe Marcy, Brenda O’Leary, and Nina Tarnay.

The six candidates competing for three seats on the Manhattan Beach City Council faced off Monday morning in their first official forum, hosted by the Rotary Club at the Westdrift Hotel. Moderated by outgoing Councilmember Richard Montgomery and former Hermosa Beach City Attorney Michael Jenkins, the event provided a platform for each candidate to present their vision. The diverse group includes Steve Charelian, recently retired City finance director; incumbent Mayor Joe Franklin; former School Board trustee Karen Komatinsky; hospitality executive Joe Marcy; real estate investor Brenda O’Leary; and attorney Nina Tarnay. All six candidates shared their motivations and goals for the future of Manhattan Beach. Charelian emphasized fiscal responsibility and transparency, while Franklin highlighted his experience and commitment to maintaining community values, calling out District Attorney George Gascon and strongly mentioning the concept of “un-reported crime.” Komatinsky focused on educational ties and city growth. Marcy expressed a desire to enhance local business opportunities, O’Leary pushed for intelligent development and outdoor dining enhancements, and Tarnay stressed the importance of civic engagement and volunteerism.


Olympic Beach Volleyball Player April Ross Marries Josh Riley in “Coastal” Shade Hotel Wedding:

Olympic beach volleyball player April Ross tied the knot with firefighter Josh Riley, born and raised in Manhattan Beach, on Saturday, September 14, at the Shade Hotel in Manhattan Beach, with 110 guests in attendance, including several of her fellow Olympians and professional athletes. “Our special day was everything we hoped for and more … The flowers, the cake, the ambiance, THE PEOPLE … all brought together in the beautiful and serene setting of @shadehotelmb (https://www.instagram.com/_u/shadehotelmb) by their planning dream team,” Ross posted on Facebook.

The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Peter Kim
(Sloopy’s Café)

A: My wife Helen and I have owned Sloopy’s since 1989, so we’ve been here for 35 years.

A: Helen and I met in 1992, three years after she had acquired Sloopy’s. We got married in 1993 at American Martyrs Church in Manhattan Beach. After marriage we settled in Manhattan Beach. Previously I was living in La Jolla, near San Diego.

A: Sloopy’s is in my opinion one of the last true “beach cafe” with the outdoor ambience with the flowers and fire pit. It really is a cafe at the beach. This makes it iconic also the fact that I have customers that I have known for over 30 years. Watched their kids grow up and have kids of their own.

A: The most challenging aspect of Sloopy’s is all the new regulations and rules that have happened since COVID which dis-favors small businesses.

A: I have two favorite movies “The Sting” with Redford and Newman (I know this dates me) and all the Jason Bourne series of movies. The not too distant is The Godfather I and II.

A: I’m a Virgo.

A: We’ve had many celebrities come to Sloopy’s. I think they like coming to Sloopy’s because it’s discreet and it’s a place where they are not bothered.


The Rockefeller:

“We have a lot of great starters. Like our ‘Rockefeller Mess’ house fries, allagash queso, pickled fresno chili, pickled red onion, pico de gallo, guacamole, cotija.”


Gen Z Workers – Entitled, Offended, and Unprepared

A recent MB Weekly Reader Poll has painted a grim picture of Gen Z in the workplace, with many employers expressing deep dissatisfaction with this new wave of employees. Workers born between 1996 and 2010 are frequently described as “entitled, too easily offended, lazy, and generally unprepared,” according to their bosses. The poll surveyed business owners and managers in the South Bay and found that a staggering 75% felt that most of the recent college graduates they had hired were underperforming. Even more concerning, 60% reported that they had to fire at least some of these new hires due to poor work habits or attitudes. This sharp criticism highlights a growing disconnect between the expectations of today’s employers and the preparedness of young workers entering the job market. While Gen Z is often praised for its digital fluency, most business leaders believe they lack resilience, critical thinking, and work ethic.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)


A huge crack forms along Palos Verdes Drive South in Rancho Palos Verdes where a landslide has accelerated at the end of August. Feel free to send your photo to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

by Lucia La Rosa Ames (Manhattan Beach)

I am endorsing Steve Charelian for the Manhattan Beach City Council. I have had the pleasure of knowing him for several years for his work at the city Financial Department, where he demonstrated competence, financial acuity, and commitment to good governance. Other candidates can exclaim their platforms, but except Joe Franklin, who has proved his professionalism, competence, and integrity as Council Member and Mayor, Steve Charelian is the only one who has a 35-year record of supporting his words; we can trust he will lead and deliver for our city from day one, rather than just talking about it. Steve is competent, professional, and trustworthy. Still, he is also a man of integrity and morality who has always been approachable, decent, and kind to his neighbors in the tree section. If we are voting our values, we need people like him to represent us. Let’s keep Manhattan Beach reputable by electing reputable individuals of good character. Let’s vote for Steve.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

A Million-Dollar Heist – Mission Impossible or Reality:
by Lee Phillips (Manhattan Beach)

Imagine leaving your car unattended for just a few minutes, only to return and discover that your rear window has been shattered – and a box containing 1 million dollars is gone. It sounds like a plot of a Mission Impossible movie, right? Well, this exact scenario played out on September 13, 2024, in front of American Martyrs School on Laurel Avenue. The victim parked their car, stepped into the gym with their child, and returned to a nightmare: the cash, stuffed in a cardboard box, had vanished. The kicker? A GPS device was found affixed to the vehicle, raising suspicions that this was no random smash-and-grab but a calculated, high-stakes heist. Now, before we get too far, let’s talk logistics. $1 million in $100 bills weigh about 10 kilograms (22 pounds) – manageable but not something you toss into a backpack unnoticed. In $20 bills, it’s a hefty 50 kilograms (110 pounds), and in $1 bills, it tips the scales at a staggering 1,000 kilograms (2,205 pounds)! That’s a lot of weight to carry. So, could this really have happened? Carrying $1 million in cash in a car and leaving it unattended might seem unthinkable to most of us. But the presence of a GPS tracker suggests someone was keeping a close eye on this money. It’s almost too cinematic to believe, but sometimes, reality is stranger than fiction. What do you think – a real-life heist or something more suspicious? Send your comments to MBWeekly@TimeWire.net


Sitting quietly in Manhattan Beach. Feel free to send your photo to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

by Mark Burton (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

Say it ain’t so, Joe, again! You won’t explore a Council discussion regarding the merits of a City Charter. You don’t support the MBUSD Schools facility bond. And, now, you are ineptly defending the rapidly escalating city employee salaries and staffing? There is something wrong when you have nine employees making over $400,000, 25 employees making over $300,000, and 57 employees making over $200,000, all in base salary. Is the tail wagging the dog? Maybe we need Councilmembers who will be willing to make hard decisions and councilmembers who will question city employee recommendations regarding their salary and staffing levels. Yes, Councilmembers will manage City staff, not rubber stamp their recommendations.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

Meet Elaine Y. (Manhattan Beach)

  • Have you ever been divorced? YES
  • Have you ever vomited on an airplane? YES
  • Would you kiss Donald Trump for $1,000 cash? NO
  • Would you kiss President Biden for $2,000 cash? NO
  • Have you ever left the restaurant forgetting to pay the bill? YES
  • Have you ever romantically kissed a woman when you were drunk? YES
  • Do you find most restaurants too noisy? YES
  • Are you an Amazon Prime member? YES
  • Have you ever ended a romantic relationship via text? GOD, NO!

by Russ Lesser (Former Mayor of Manhattan Beach)

George Gascon has been a disaster for Los Angeles County and for Manhattan Beach. All you need to know is that 37 cities, including Manhattan Beach, passed “No Confidence” votes in him, and the vast majority of the prosecutors in the D.A.’s office supported a recall attempt. He also refused to allow Manhattan Beach to get their own prosecutor or work with Redondo Beach’s city prosecutor to prosecutor misdemeanors, which he refuses to do. Because of that a thief can steal up to $950 from stores every day without fear of going to jail. This demoralizes our excellent police officers because even when they catch them nothing will happen to them. Before Gascon, drug stores didn’t have to have locked cabinets to prevent theft, so electing Nathan Hochman, regardless of your political views, should be the easiest decision to make in this year’s election.

Agree? Disagree? Please share your comment: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net (Maximum 100 words)

Lido Bakery:

Home of the Most Extraordinary Wedding Cakes

Lido Bakery first opened its doors in 2003. Ernesto Valenzuela started Lido Bakery with his mother, Evelinda, with the dream of bringing back what had become a rarity: the neighborhood bakery. Inspired by a sense of commitment to our community, Lido Bakery offers a full range of baked goods – each carefully crafted with the finest natural ingredients. “We also bake in a little bit of love with every bite!”


Manhattan Beach Combats Ocean Trash:

The City of Manhattan Beach started its Santa Monica Bay Trash Capture Project last month to install stormwater treatment devices and underground systems at key locations throughout the city, and is expected to last six months. “While we understand construction can be disruptive, we will make every effort to minimize inconvenience. Residents and emergency vehicles will always have access, though driveway access may be temporarily limited. Please observe all posted traffic controls to help expedite the process,” according to the City. The City obtained Proposition 1 Integrated Regional Water Management grant funding for the project.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2024 – SEPTEMBER 25, 2024

  • 22 ARRESTS

Notable Events:
** On 09/19/24, at approximately 9:00 a.m., a residential burglary occurred in the 2600 block of Vista Drive when suspect(s) entered an open garage and stole the victim’s bicycle.

** On 09/19/24, at approximately 1:00 p.m., officers responded to the 1900 N. Valley Drive regarding a vehicle burglary. The victim left their wallet inside the vehicle. The suspect(s) forced entry into the vehicle and stole the victim’s wallet. The victim discovered fraudulent charges on their credit card.

** On 09/20/24, at approximately 11:00 a.m., officers were conducting at security check at Mira Costa High School when they observed a suspect cutting a bike lock and attempting to steal a bike. The suspect saw the officers, fled, but was quickly detained by officers. The suspect was linked to prior bike thefts from Mira Costa. This investigation is ongoing.

** On 09/21/24, at approximately 3:00 a.m., officers responded to the 1300 block of Marine Avenue regarding a theft from vehicle report. The reporting party called police to report an unknown suspect was looking in their vehicle with a flashlight. Officers located and detained the suspect. The suspect was in possession of two wallets. The investigation revealed the suspect stole the wallets from other vehicles in the neighborhood. The suspect was arrested and transported to the MBPD jail.

Exciting Internship Opportunity with Award-Winning P.R. and Branding Firm…:

Are you ambitious, creative, and eager to dive into branding, public relations, media, and entertainment? Do you crave learning from industry leaders and gaining life-changing knowledge? Then this opportunity is for you. Boundless Media USA seeks entry-level interns for part-time, flexible, remote work. Whether you’re a student or fascinated by the fast-paced world of P.R. and branding, this is genuinely a “chance in a lifetime in a lifetime of chance.” If you’re ready to take the first step in your career journey with us, visit www.BoundlessMediaUSA.com and apply today.

Write to: AmandaK@BoundlessMediaUSA.com


“The next few days will bring the most beautiful fall weather in Manhattan Beach, so that later, when a second summer emerges, you’ll be sure to be hopelessly overdressed.”


How Well Do You Know Manhattan Beach?

Q1: What percent of Manhattan Beach’s city wide land area is residential?
A. 54.62% \  B. 49.1% \  C. 88.24%

Q2: How many miles of beachfront?
A. 16.88 \  B. 42.24 \  C. 2.1

Q3: How long is the Manhattan Beach scenic pier?
A. 424-foot-long \  B. 928-foot-long \  C. 1,050-foot-long

Q1: Residential Area: 49.1%, or 1,224 acres, of Manhattan Beach’s city wide land area is residential.
Q2: Beach: 2.1 miles of beachfront, 40 acres of recreational beach area in total
Q3: Pier: Manhattan Beach has a scenic 928-foot-long pier at the end of Manhattan Beach Boulevard. Fishing is permitted all year.


Meet Ali (Manhattan Beach). Feel free to send your photo to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

Bulletin Board

1. ** According to our friends on the Left, if unwed mothers are poor, the reason lies in heartless welfare rules, not in the decision to have a child out of wedlock. —- Dr. Sally M., Manhattan Beach

2. ** Gender inclusion policies appear to be getting too extreme even for parents in one of the most progressive areas of the country. Parents and students at a Palo Alto, CA, elementary school have started a petition to get gender-separated bathrooms installed at Herbert Hoover Elementary School in addition to the gender-neutral restrooms that are currently planned as part of the campus’ renovation. —- Arnold P., Manhattan Beach

3. ** Why are all Door Dash drivers so f—king rude? —- Samantha K., Manhattan Beach

4. ** My cousin (female) wanted to sleep with 365 individuals in 2023 and 600 in 2024 to “level up.” —- Ali B., Manhattan Beach

5. ** Mike Johnson, a loving father & husband, a lifelong resident of Manhattan Beach, and a friendly face to all he encountered on his daily walks, passed away peacefully after a brave battle with lung cancer, surrounded by his wife and daughters. —- Editor’s Note

6. ** Beware! The notorious downtown homeless harasser Chandler is back, and there’s still no police presence downtown. —- Wendy S., Manhattan Beach

7. ** Walking on part of the Redondo Beach waterfront this fall will be different. The city is repaving its King Harbor International Boardwalk, Redondo announced recently. Construction began earlier this month and is slated to be completed in November. The City Council approved the project in January. —- Editor’s Note

8. ** I love Canton Low Chinese Restaurant in El Segundo. —- Ricky C., El Segundo

9. ** Apple store opens at Del Amo Fashion Center as the company’s 15th L.A. County location. The 100% renewable store features a “Genius Bar,” an “Apple Pickup” for easy ordering and pickup, and services like “Shop with a Specialist,” phone activation, secure data transfer, and more. —- Editor’s Note

10. ** An inconvenient truth: Democrats are Democrats. They won’t ban criminals from coming in to this country – but they will damn sure ban plastic bags and straws. —- Howard H., Manhattan Beach

11. ** People over the age of 12 who dress up for Halloween need a psychiatrist. —- Roland M., Manhattan Beach

12. ** I wish people would stop bringing their putrid dogs to restaurants. —- Lois C.T., Manhattan Beach

13. ** D.E.I. is nothing more than disguised racism. —- Dr. Josh T., Manhattan Beach

14. ** Memo to city leaders: stop coming up with ever increasing ways to take more of our money – no more tax increases. —- Neil C., Manhattan Beach

15. ** Politicians warn that if public libraries are defunded, homeless people will have nowhere to watch porn. —- Sandy P., Manhattan Beach, Library Volunteer

16. ** This is the third time I’ve tried to shop at Macy’s in two months, but I cannot get waited on and have left empty-handed. Not an employee to be found. —- Name Withheld by Request, Manhattan Beach

17. ** Why are there never any police ever ever ever in the downtown area? Please explain that one Mayor. —- Steve T., Manhattan Beach

18. ** Meta’s Oversight Board is considering banning “misgendering.” So, correctly stating the sex of trans-identifying males and disapproving of males in women’s sports and spaces will qualify as “Bullying and Harassment” and grounds for being kicked off the platform. Women defending their rights are called ugly names all day, but stating biological facts – THAT is hate speech? —- Alison S., Manhattan Beach

19. ** I rarely agree with writer Mark Burton. However, I agree that tax increases on the November ballot by the city, school district, and health district are unnecessary, wasteful ripoffs of taxpayers! Also, vote NO on Proposition 5, which lowers the required voter approval from 66 2/3% to 55%, effective with the current November ballot’s bond (tax increase) initiatives. —- Sharon A., Manhattan Beach

20. ** I’d like to know what cities Manhattan Beach used to compare staff salaries. Why doesn’t Mr. Franklin name them for us? Obviously, they are not El Segundo, Redondo Beach, and Torrance. —- Paul W., Manhattan Beach

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The MB Weekly Free Bulletin Board is your place to communicate for free with thousands and thousands of your neighbors in Manhattan Beach. Send your message (maximum 50 words) to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net

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