According to a relatively small poll of MB Weekly readers who watched the first candidates forum hosted by the Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce, two candidates emerged as the top vote-getters based on the evening’s presentation. Placing first was Suzanne Hadley, current city Councilmember, and former mayor; the second was Mark Burton, current City Council candidate, and former mayor. Both candidates placed public safety at the top of their agenda.
www.hadley4mb2022.com • www.burtonforcouncil.com
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet David M. Slay
Owner of SLAY Steak and Fish House
Q: Your two are the most successful fine dining restaurants in the South Bay. What is the secret to your success?
A: Our Family, our team and our commitment to be the very best we can be. We believe you have so many choices when you dine out and you are given one chance to retain that guest and we believe we do it as well or better than most. Sounds hokey but it works for us.
Q: After being a longtime Manhattan Beach resident, what made you decide to open up a restaurant in Manhattan Beach a couple of years ago in the first place?
A: Well I was doing the OC commute since 2005 and an opportunity came along and it made sense.
Q: What’s the most challenging thing about running a fine dining restaurant today?
A: People, not just employees but the guest. The guest today is so much more educated about, food, wine, cocktails than ever. And my belief is that when you’re charging the prices that we have to we have to be on all the time. People don’t realize that although we have been open for several years that the new guest that just moved to Manhattan Beach or visiting on business deserves the same our first did when we opened.
Q: What’s your favorite movie of all time?
A: The Godfather … 2
Q: After the horrendous brazen smash and grab robbery a few months ago in the downtown area, do you favor more police presence in the downtown area?
A: I come from three generations of restaurateurs and three generations of law enforcement so in my opinion you can never have enough police. Unfortunately the disrespect that they often get due to a few bad apples is making it harder to recruit.
Recently, MB Police Department dayshift officers located a reported stolen vehicle in front of a bank at the Manhattan Village Mall. Surprise, surprise … officers also found a collection of identity theft related property inside the car. Two suspects were arrested and booked into the MBPD Jail.
By Mike Michalski
Financial disclosures for all seven of our Manhattan Beach Council candidates running in the November election to fill two Council seats were due at the end of September and are available for viewing on the city’s website. The data from those disclosures show that incumbent Suzanne Hadley has an enormous lead in fundraising and, assuming that this is a proxy for her standing with the electorate, would make her a shoo-in on November 8. This is causing untold angst for several residents affiliated with one candidate, Amy Howorth, who have opted to file a disclosure for a political action committee to run hit-piece ads in opposition to Suzanne’s reelection. To my knowledge, the creation of a PAC specifically to oppose another candidate – a highly divisive negative campaigning tactic you might expect to see in a big city like Chicago – has never been tried in our little town. The other candidates, including Amy herself, would do well to denounce this form of gutter politics as corrosive to our community.
Feel free to send your comments to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
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The iconic water tower. One of our older landmarks built in the 1940’s. It recently went under renovation. Photo by Nikki Ridley.
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet Ben
Do you check your horoscope?
Do you have a secret talent?
Have you ever broken a bone?
Have you ever broken a law?
Do you like your hometown?
Have you ever pulled a successful prank?
To be featured in “The Faces of Manhattan Beach,” send your photograph to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
Top four finishers in Saturday’s Manhattan Beach 10K were separated by 10 seconds. Andrew Barrington, 32, of Fort Williams, Scotland, won a sea level sprint at Manhattan Beach pier thanks to his altitude training. Barrington’s 33:37 was just two seconds faster than Lance Capel, 28, of Torrance, Jaden Milbrodt, of La Canada, and Ian Rusk, of La Habra.
Mira Costa to present “Love/Sick”: Tickets go on sale Oct. 10 to Mira Costa’s fall production of John Cariani’s “Love/Sick,” a collection of nine slightly twisted and completely hilarious short plays. Set on a Friday night in an alternate suburban reality, this 80-minute show explores the pain and joy that comes with being in love. The show is rated PG-13. Show dates are Nov. 4, Nov. 5, Nov. 9, Nov. 10, Nov. 11 and Nov. 12. Tickets will be for sale at miracostadramaboosters.org.
Adopt a Child for a Day: The P.S. I Love You Foundation and Fabletics’ 21st annual Adopt a Child for a Day celebration in Manhattan Beach has been rescheduled for Oct. 22. The event pairs 300 at-risk children from nonprofit organizations, foster care, shelters and schools with 300 caring adult mentors for a day of fun, friendship, trust building and healthy interaction. Adults interested in mentoring and teenagers interested in volunteering will find more information at psiloveyoufoundation.org/datb-event-announcement.
Pier to Pier Friendship Walk: The annual Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk is set for 9 a.m. on Oct. 30. Check-in is 8 a.m. at the Manhattan Beach Pier. Participants will walk to the Hermosa Beach Pier and back in support of our children. Register at skechersfriendshipwalk.com.
A shark was recently sighted off the El Porto area of Manhattan Beach.
The Faces of Manhattan Beach
Meet Kelly Stroman
Managing Director Friendship Foundation
Former President MB Chamber Of Commerce
Q: What made you decide to leave the Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce for your current role at the Friendship Foundation?
A: As the Roman philosopher Seneca once said, “luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” We make our own luck. When the opportunity presented itself to be a part of an organization that truly changes the world, I thought long and hard and realized how lucky I would be to work with visionaries and with a population that is often underrepresented, misunderstood, and underestimated yet, lives with unconditional love, smiles and happiness. It was a no-brainer.
Q: What is your primary responsibility?
A: I am the Managing Director of the Friendship Foundation and the Friendship Campus. My responsibility is to enhance the current operations of the Friendship Foundation (est. 2007), create pathways of opportunity. Regarding the Friendship Campus, well that is like a 500-piece puzzle. I get to sort the pieces, position them in the right location to connect with the best fit, and build out the vision of creating a campus in which everyone has a place. Individuals with varying abilities will have access to world-class innovation that will provide vocational training and a position in the workforce, just like you and me.
Q: How can your many Manhattan Beach South Bay friends help you?
A: Thank you for that compliment. It’s not about helping me, it’s about making a commitment to lead your life with compassion, empathy, an open non-judgmental mind and to volunteer your time, resources, and brilliant ideas to give everyone the opportunity to shine.
Q: How did the Friendship Campus groundbreaking go, and what can we expect to see from it in the future?
A: The groundbreaking on August 10th was the most beautiful gathering of 1,000 people there to support, learn, and lift the community. If you missed it, here are a few highlights. There are so many leaders in the business community that have touched this special project. We are grateful for the enormous generosity and support! Soon, we will have the final permits from the State of California and the building of this most extraordinary vocational campus will begin to take shape.
Q: By the way, Kelly, what is your favorite movie of all-time?
A: The Wizard of Oz … flying monkeys, a magic wand, and those ruby slippers!
Q: How can we reach you?
A: If you feel inspired, please reach out to me at kelly@friendshipfoundation.com OR WALK w/ME and the Friendship Team on Sunday October 30th at the 14th annual Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk. Why walk? Because you will make a difference for our schools and for those with varying abilities. I promise you will smile.
The seven candidates for Manhattan Beach City Council stated their cases at Manhattan Beach’s Mira Costa High School, in a forum sponsored by the Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce. WATCH
The Mira Costa girls’ volleyball team celebrates its five-set win over Redondo Union.
October 29, 1942 – September 14, 2022, Michael Forrest Carpenter, age 79, long-time resident of Manhattan Beach, California, passed away on September 14, 2022, after a hard-fought battle with cancer. He is survived by his loving wife Linda Howard Carpenter, her children Dan Howard (Valencia) and Kate Krueck (Jim) and five grandchildren, his three siblings, John (Anne), Susan Evans, and Paul (Liz), and many nieces, grand-nieces and grand-nephews.
Send your reply to: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
(Maximum 100 words)
John Uriostegui is running for School Board in Manhattan Beach.
“Real estate in Manhattan Beach? No, it’s not exactly ‘on’ the water, but it’s near the water and it has a lot of character.”
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For advertorial information, contact Aurora DeRose at: MBWeekly@TimeWire.net
1. ** What a scoop for your new MB Weekly magazine! An exclusive commentary with the new police chief. Congratulations. —- Dr. Ivy B., Manhattan Beach
2. ** I always see officers downtown and around town. AND we have the best officers! —- Mary Ralls, Manhattan Beach
3. ** Local Kitchens, which has eight locations in the San Francisco Bay area, will take over the former Mama D’s on PCH in Redondo as a “Micro Food Hall.” —- Taylor V., Manhattan Beach
4. ** First, they control your language! Beware of the new “woke-ster” phrase: Calling homeless people “unhoused.” —- Cyndy C., Manhattan Beach
5. ** Manhattan Beach’s M & Love Vegan Café closed at the end of June. Too bad. —- Riley W., Manhattan Beach
6. ** We need to bring back some sane statute of limitations to our legal system. Charging people with a crime that allegedly happened 45 years ago is both insane and tragic, making a total mockery of our justice system. —- Clarke S., Manhattan Beach, Attorney at Law
7. ** My new girlfriend (on her third date) had too much to drink. … and then woke up with a Godzilla of a hangover which even the coffee from the Kettle couldn’t cure. —- Leonard M., Manhattan Beach
8. ** Not sure what year it is newer model Audi A4 or A3 silver, panoramic roof, attempted to steal a Catalytic converter from my neighbor’s Prius. I ran them off before they could get it. —- Frank Smith, Manhattan Beach
9. ** Be alert at MB Target! Two days ago, at about noon, I parked my car and was getting my stroller and infant out when I noticed a suspicious man walking toward me. I parked away from other cars, and he walked right towards us (not as if he was headed to his car). He acted like he was on a call or looking for someone, but that was poor acting. He then proceeded to pretend to tie his shoe near me. I stared him down to let him know I saw him, quickly got my stuff, locked my car, and ran into Target. —- Jill Anderson, Manhattan Beach
10. ** I’m sorry if this makes me not hip. I hate weed drinks! —- Katie L., Manhattan Beach
11. ** Brian Carrico of Redondo Beach received payments for referring patients to Pacific Hospital for surgeries and other procedures from June 2004 to December 2013. It received 14 months for the scam. —- Lilly T., Manhattan Beach
12. ** It was the second day of school, and I was walking my son, who’s in third grade, and our neighbor girl, who just started first grade, to school. A block away, the little girl says that her bag is so heavy. My son doesn’t skip a beat, moves his backpack from two shoulders to one, and puts her bag on his shoulder. It melted my heart. —- Erika K., Manhattan Beach
13. ** I noticed that our new police chief uses the term “unhoused” instead of homeless. How P.C.! —- Dr. Samantha G., Manhattan Beach
14. ** My friends and I say, “Let’s Godfather him,” make them an offer they can’t refuse. —- Diamond K., Manhattan Beach
15. ** Thank you, M.B. Weekly, for your extraordinary exclusive commentary from the new police chief in Manhattan Beach. Very interesting. —- Mr. and Mrs. Randall C., Manhattan Beach
16. ** I didn’t want to be part of the reason that in America, in the 21st century, a teacher needs a bodyguard to teach class. —- Renee P., Manhattan Beach
17. ** I haven’t been to a Carl’s Jr in years and was surprised to see a tip jar at the drive thru window. —- Jamie Beach, Redondo Beach
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